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Employee engagement is essential to the success of any business. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and invested in their work. This is especially true when those employees are part of your frontline workforce. However, employee engagement is not always easy to achieve.

Many businesses struggle with disengaged employees, which can lead to low productivity, high turnover rates, and poor customer service. One solution to leverage gamification for employee engagement.

How to Leverage Gamification for Employee Engagement

Gamification is the application of game elements and mechanics to non-game contexts, such as work or education. When done correctly, gamification can be a powerful tool to enhance your frontline training program and increase employee engagement. In fact, gamification can boost employee engagement by 60%.

Here are 5 tips on how to leverage gamification for employee engagement:

  1. Set clear goals and expectations: Before implementing gamification, it’s important to set clear goals and expectations. Define what you want to achieve with gamification, and how you plan to measure success. This will help you design an effective gamification program that aligns with your business objectives.
  2. Make it relevant: To be effective, gamification must be relevant to the employees’ job roles and the company’s goals. Ensure that the game mechanics and rewards are directly tied to the employees’ performance and incentivize behaviors that support the company’s goals.
  3. Offer meaningful rewards: Rewards are an essential component of gamification. However, rewards that are not meaningful or relevant to the employees can be demotivating. Offer rewards that align with the employees’ interests and needs, and that provide a sense of accomplishment and recognition.
  4. Make it fun: The key to successful gamification is making it fun. In fact, a recent survey showed that 83% felt motivated by gamified training, whereas 49% reported being bored during non-gamified training. Leverage gamification mechanics that are engaging, challenging, and enjoyable to play. Incorporate elements of competition, collaboration, and social interaction to create a sense of community and excitement.
  5. Provide feedback: Feedback is critical to employee engagement. Provide regular feedback on performance, progress, and achievements. Use data and analytics to track employee performance and provide personalized feedback that helps employees improve and grow.

Expert Advice – Driving Frontline Employee Engagement with Gamification

Leveraging gamification for employee engagement isn’t rocket science. You just need to implement the right techniques and strategies that resonate with your employees.

Gabriella Planojevic, The Group head of Talent Development AI-Futtaim Group, UAE, shares her expert views on driving frontline engagement by gamifying learning in an interesting conversation with our VP and business head for the Middle East, Ravi Kesavan. 

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